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This is not only a reflection of my Hispanic Identities and Culture class. As this is my late assignment, I’m submitting for my bachelor’s degree, it makes this paper the most important of all. We go to school not for the general education but also to gain knowledge that will make us more compassionate people. As I reflect on my last 4 years studying the Spanish Language and Culture, I hope I can clearly outline the things I hope to transfer to life outside of college.

My passion has always been medicine. Even more so, it has been a way for me to give back to people who were not born into life with the same privileges I had. For example, school is an varying point across all cultures. For example, in Mexico those going to schools that require tuition, usual end up in college. However, those going to the free schools usually get just enough education to get a job to help support their families. In their culture it is more common for people to do this. Contrary to that, many of the students are able to go on to college so they are more likely to get higher paying jobs. To people who didn’t study Spanish culture, they may come across people from lower socioeconomic classes are just lazy. In fact, they are quite the opposite. Time when most Americans are learning to drive or finding the perfect dress for prom, many Mexican adolescents are working to help bring in enough money to provide food or utilities for their family. I believe because of our nation’s history we have this responsibility to learn about other cultures. Especially in this time when our country is so racial divided. I feel it is important for us to go back to our roots of trying to learn to just coexist. The best way to prevent history from repeating itself is to fully embrace of the people of our nation with little to no judgement.

Another thing I can carry with me into my career as a doctor is the great need for more advanced medical care in many Latin American communities. The Venezuela crisis has drawn a lot of attention over the last few years. The hyperinflation of their money has devastated their economy. Similar to Germany during and after the 2nd world war. It is taking people “millions” of dollars to buy things like medication or food. We have spent a great deal of time and effort defending middle eastern nations but have provided little assistance to the people right in our backyards. Many families are being forced to eat rotten meet just to get buy. This is causing more illness. That in addition to reusing needles has increased the prevalence of sexually transmitted disease. This has made me drawn interest and spread awareness to my pre-medical peers about how we as future doctors can help.

Overall, I have learned about how our identity can play apart in one’s vision of their place within the nation. All this education can be translated to decrease mental health concerns regarding citizenship, health disparities, and educational disparities. Those in leadership positions all the world should always be advocates for other who have less than them. Health, safe, and education should be a basic human right. My time pursing my degree I have seen various steps that should be taken to ensure that is true for all people.

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Last Edited: December 9th 2021

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