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Written by: Tailor Foreman, MS-II



First off, congrats!! You officially made it to med 2. I had many people ask me for my advice going into med 2. Before we get into the good stuff I first want to make a disclaimer. I am not presenting myself as a high scoring student or some kind of a genius. I am an average student who simply puts the time in to try and get the best grades I can. I am not saying that by following anything below you will for sure pass med 2. I am simply sharing what worked for me and things I wished I had done.  I wish you all luck as you proceed to your next chapter at AUA. 


Med 2 is so fun!! It's when you truly start to feel like your in medical school because you start understanding disease processes and loosely evaluating possible treatments. 



Pre-studying is not required to pass or do well. I like to do it because it keeps me in a learning mode, that way when the semester starts it’s not as overwhelming

MED 2 Prep Guide: Text


Image by Brett Garwood

Post-Med 1 CAS 3

Yay, you’ve finally taken the dreaded CAS 3 and survived. Now is it time to relax and spend time with family. I recommend spend about 10-14 days simply relaxing and trying to recoup all the energy you’ve lost over the last few months. It was a lot, and you deserve it.

When you’re ready to start focusing on school again, I would first take time to reflect on the past semester. You can journal, record a voice memo, or even vent to a classmate. It’s best to do it in a format where you can go back and refer to it when needed. Therefore, I prefer journaling. 


Here is a link to a reflection page I made/use

Image by Ameer Basheer

Start Strong!!!

If you don’t feel you want or need to pre-study, this is paragraph will cover the minimum things I recommend doing prior to Med 2 starting.


  • Set intentions/goals for the upcoming semester. If you need some guidance, Click this link to use my goal setting worksheet I created. 

    • There is no wrong or right way to do this. 

  • Try to get plenty exercise

  • Try to eat a well-balanced diet

  • Take care of any appointments that need to be done prior to going to the island. This can include a new glasses prescription, a physical exam, and for ladies a pap smear would be a good idea.  

    • I would also get a COVID Booster if you can!!!

  • Reach out to any upper meds you know and ask them if they have any recommendations for starting the semester off on the right foot. Remember, that it is simply advice and just because it worked for them doesn’t mean it will work for you. 

  • Lastly, using your reflection on Med 1, try to start narrowing down your resources you plan to use for CAS 1. If you are curious about my recommendations click here. 



Regret #1: I went into the semester with an abundance of resources and instead of helping me it overwhelmed me! Don't be me!

Image by Green Chameleon

Let's Study!!



  • Start learning heart and lung anatomy. Be sure to pay attention to the clinical correlates for various structures || Resources I suggest: Grey’s Anatomy Book and Review Questions, Lippincott Anatomy and Histology MCQs & The Atlas Anatomy App. 

  • Start memorizing the formulas for resp and cardio || Resource I suggest:  Physeo Equation videos


Extra Goodies!

I highly recommend using a passtracker to help keep up with the workload. Heather Mateja, a Med IV student created a really good one to use. 

Here is the link to the spreadsheet

Here is a link to her Youtube video about how to use/customize it. 

P.S. If Heather is hosting any TA session next semester, I HIGHLY recommend you go. She is gold!!

MED 2 Prep Guide: List
MED 2 Prep Guide: Text

St. Johns, Antigua

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Last Edited: December 9th 2021

Created By Tailor Foreman Â©2019 

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