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The Evolution of my Cell Biology Education

Updated: Dec 8, 2019

Image one on the left is after finishing the entirety of the cell biology course offered at Old Dominion, taught by Dr.Christina Steele. We had to watch videos created by company in Canada called Smart Biology. These videos showed the in-depth view of how cells function and communicate. My impression of these videos is seen in my drawing after taking this class because the drawing is much more in-depth rather in discriminant shapes. Also, I included the phospholipid bilayer which is a very important concept to the function of the cell. Imbedded into the bilayer I also included a integral protein which is used to aid in cell to cell communication. A cell that can not communicate is useless to the organism, so including this is my drawing was very important.

Image two on the right is my drawing from the beginning of the semester. This image is fairly vague. Using my knowledge from general biology this is the picture I was able to produce. We are taught the most fundamental basics of a cell and how they communicate. It isn’t that this photo is incomplete it’s just that it’s foundational and doesn’t incorporate many of the vital components of cells. Some of the vital things I should have included was a clear differentiation between the Smooth and Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum, as the two organelles have very different functions within the cell. Also, I drew on rather large vacuole and that isn't quite accurate to the real life scale of the cell. Animal cells have smaller, but multiple vacuoles all throughout the cell. Only plant cells have one large vacuole. Also, in general things about poorly drawn and just scribbled on and the texture, size, or structure of each organelles is ambiguous.

Lastly, at the bottom I have a photo of a plant cell I drew mid-semester. This is a rather poor drawing of what a plant cell actually looks like. I would like to give myself some credit because I did include many chloroplast. Chloroplast a responsible for the green color in many plants and help with photosynthetic properties of plants. I also included a large vacuole which is good for storing water. The ability to store water is vital for plants survival. I also, included the cell wall which is important for maintaining structure of the plant cell. I think to improve my drawing I should have included ribosomes and a nucleus. While there are other very important qualities in a plant cell, a cell without a nuclear has no DNA. Without DNA a cell has no "brain" to tell it how to maintain it's lively functions.

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